by Jenny Gaal, Fitness Program Director
Happy February!! Lots of reasons to celebrate this month, Valentines, Mardi Gras, Rodeo….. I am a sucker for holidays and a good party! The challenge is finding a balance. Over the past 10 years of personal training, I have created a growing journal of tips to help stay on track. Here are a few of my favorites….. If you would like more email me: and I would be happy to share! Have a beautifully Fit day!
Never eat out of a bag or box but serve yourself on a plate. Portion control is impossible to measure out of the bag.
Super Bowl, B-days, Parties, BBQ’s, Pool Day……DIPS and SPREADS!! Think ahead, pro-active not re-active, bring along a Ziploc bag of vegetables (celery, carrots, cauliflower, cucumber slices, etc.) to continue the party and stay on track instead of consuming chips and crackers. When making your own dips and spreads (guacamole, salsa, and dips) double or triple the quantity of vegetables in the recipe therefore reducing the total calories and increasing the nutrition.
Be Aware of your daily intake. No not counting calories but journaling decisions, the simple action of writing down your choices holds you to them instead of overlooking them. Overtime your brain is “re-programmed” because you know you’re committing to it. Keep in mind; Nutrition/Diet and Exercise/training are interdependent and combined measure the success of your goals. Support your body with smart food choices to support your exercise goals.
Do not get discouraged! We are human. Mistakes are inevitable…..give yourself the slack to live a little when needed and then rebound on track. Not continue to spiral.
Designate one day for PREP…like Sunday to prepare your produce for the week. Clean, chop and package. Having healthy fruits and vegetables prewashed and conveniently accessible will help prevent the quick grab for other unhealthy convenience foods like bagged chips….No NO! As well prepackage a handful of other healthy options like granola and nuts for convenience with proper portion control!