by Jenny Gaal, Fitness Director
Why wait for January? Fall is the perfect time to launch a diet and fitness program.
New Years may be the traditional time to start a weight loss program but with kids back in school and routines becoming more structured, fall is the perfect time to launch a diet and fitness regimen.
Even the fall weather can serve as an inspiration to be more active. It’s the perfect time of year to enjoy the weather. Routines are ideal for helping people, especially moms; find time to fit in fitness.
Fall Tips:
Try something new such as a farmers’ market to select from the nutritious bounty of fall produce.
Try new recipes. For example, pumpkin is great for far more than pie. How about pumpkin soup, toasted pumpkin seeds, or even a pumpkin smoothie? Also, hearty soups are a great source for all sorts of nutritious and delicious fall vegetables and freeze well for those late nights after the kids’ games.
Stock your kitchen with healthy choices. Having nutritious foods readily available makes it easier to work them into your diet. Always have pre-prepped/ cut-up fruits and vegetables on hand.
Visualize and plan for the upcoming holidays. It’s always better to be proactive then reactive.
Try to curb your sweet tooth with fruit, yogurt or cereal first before resorting to chocolate, ice cream or less healthy options.
Strive for progress, not perfection. We are all human. You are not alone if you have an off day so don’t let it get you down or derail your goals.
Happy Fall!!!